Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Book Review: Quick & Easy Mouse Care

Rating: 4 yogies
(Ratings are on a scale of 0-5 yogies)
Title: Quick & Easy Mouse Care
Author: none listed, published by t.f.h.
ISBN: 0-7938-1030-2
Purchase details: I bought my copy at PetSmart for $4.95.
There is one thing I have to say right off the bat, many of the photos (including one on the cover) look suspiciously like rats. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they were mislabeled stock photos. Otherwise the book isn't too bad. I purchased it on a whim because it was so cheap and you don't find mouse care books often.
The basics are covered pretty well, the difference between does and bucks, the need for does to have friends, the astounding rate at which a pair can reproduce, and it even mentions the possiblity of having the male neutered!
The housing section is pretty fair with one big exception. The author reccommends aspen and does not seem to be convinced that cedar is actually toxic. The feeding advice is pretty solid, especially given that it is aimed at casual owners who will likely only buy what they can find at the local pet shop.
There is also a decent chapter on taming and handling mice and a chapter on first aid. The first aid chapter covers some of the basic issues, but stresses over and over that vetrinary care is a top priority.
Overall this is a good little book for wide consumption. It will do a lot of good for someone just getting into mice, or someone wanting to keep their mouse care to a minimum. Certainly worth the $4.95!

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