Monday, March 10, 2008

Mousey introductions.

I tried bringing home some more of the mice that were dumped at the store. I brought home a little black weanling girl and an adult whose color I am not clear on. She's a bit of a reddish fawn, in some lights she almost looks chinchilla. In any case, a whole lot of these mice have been dying before quarantine is over, most likely due to improper care, inbreeding, and lots of back to back breeding. There were about forty mixed sexed adults plus babies being kept in a twenty gallon tank being fed parsley and oats. We've managed to adopt out a whole lot of them.

So these two little girls have survived quarantine and we did introductions last night. There are still a few squabbles here and there, but everyone seems to be settling in nicely.

Phase One:

Oh my god what is this place? Who are these girls? Get us out of here! (This place is a small Kritter Keeper, which is used only for introductions and transport, not housing.)

Phase Two:

Oh wait a second, what is this? This tastes pretty good. (This, is a little baby food I rubbed on everyone's back.)

Phase Three:

Wow mom, thanks a lot, friends taste good!

Here's hoping they all get along. The young one already seems to have bonded with Victoria pretty closely, and they all slept in the same hidey together this morning.

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