Friday, March 14, 2008

Sasha, Twister, and the vet.

Sasha went back to have her tumor site drained again as it's been abscessing since her tumor removal. Unfortunately this time it was full of tumor material and not puss. This means she's got some aggressive form of cancer. This is exactly what we went through with Angle. We learned from her that multiple removals on sites where a large margin simply cannot be gained are pointless.

Because Sasha's tumor goes down between her ribs the vet cannot get 100% of the material out, let alone take a margin to prevent further growth. Sasha's tumor is growing slowly enough that we're confident she has at least six happy healthy months left in her. Our course of action will be to keep her happy and pain free as long as humanly possible.

Thankfully Twister (our new man) was able to get an appointment to be neutered yesterday. The neuter went very well, but there was some excess drainage from the site so he spent the night at the vet. We're very excited to pick him up later today and add him to our main cage in a few weeks.

Meet Twister!

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